
Students enter Primary in Year 1 which is the equivalent to “tercero de infantil”, the year before “primero de primaria” in the Spanish system. Student continue in Primary through Year 6.

Happiness and creativity is in the centre of everything we do. Students are given a voice and teachers follow the interests of children to maximise their learning. We strive to develop a love for lifelong learning and to give students tools and skills to become independent learners.

The focus is always on learning and well-being and we work hard to create an environment that is not centered merely on scores and exam results. Having said that, tests are important for the school as a whole, in order to ensure we meet curriculum requirements. At the end of Year 6 students sit their first external exams, Cambridge Checkpoints in English, Mathematics and Science.


Subjects in Primary include English, Spanish, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Music, Physical Education, Drama, ICT, Art and Design and Technology. All classes also have one session of Life Talk every week. During this session we work with values important to us, especially through the KiVa anti-bullying programme.

Visits to museums, theatre plays, historic places are part of the primary programme. We also organise a number of sports days.


Primary classes have one class teacher who teaches most subjects although certain subjects, such as Music, Art, Physical Education, Swedish and Spanish, are studied with specialist teachers.


Primary is open to students with a good level of English. Students who have not yet reached the level required to follow classes may be accepted on the condition that they participate in extra English classes (English Support Programme).